One dogs contem....contemp....con-tem..pla-tions on daily life........oh, stop rolling your eyes already and give me break, I'm a dog, for Gods sakes...

The good boys of the great war.


Dogs played a vital part in the first world war, without them, the whole army could not function.

Small dogs used to keep pests under control in the trenches.

Sentry dogs;
Dogs kept at military bases or camps with the job of notifying their masters of unknown presences nearby.

Scout dogs;
Dogs used in the field to scout out enemies.

Casualty or ‘Mercy’ dogs;
Dogs that scouted out the wounded on the battlefield. They carried first-aid kits for soldiers to help themselves. If the soldier was dying, the dog would stay and keep them company in their last moments.

Messenger dogs;
Dogs used to send messages from the front to headquarters and back during the war. All messages had to be physical, since electronic communication was still very unreliable. Dogs were used instead of humans because they were much faster and less vulnerable to sniper-fire.

Mascot dogs;
Dogs that emotionally supported the men trapped in the horrors of the trenches. They reminded them of the comforts of home and gave them hope. Even Adolf Hitler, who served in Belgium, kept a dog at his side at all times.