One dogs contem....contemp....con-tem..pla-tions on daily life........oh, stop rolling your eyes already and give me break, I'm a dog, for Gods sakes...
Canine influenza now afflicting dogs in 34 states
Last week I mentioned the canine influenza virus which presents a serious threat to the health of dogs nationwide. This new virus evolved from equine influenza and first appeared in 2004 among racing greyhounds in Florida. Since then it has been transmitted to dogs in 34 states. Anyone planning to board their dogs, take them to obedience classes or other social events, should take the time to read an excellent article on the subject put out by the American Veterinary Medical Association. The article is entitled Control of Canine Influenza in Dogs and can be found by simply entering “info on canine influenza” on your internet browser. Since dogs have no natural immunity to the disease, you should talk to your veterinarian about having your pet vaccinated and what precautions to take to guard your pet against infection. Although dogs cannot transmit the virus to human, humans can transmit the virus to dogs. So please, for your pet’s sake, read the article and consult your veterinarian.